Photo of Henry Sturgis MORGAN

Family tree of Henry Sturgis MORGAN

Industrialist, Businessman

AmericanBorn Henry Sturgis MORGAN

American banker, known for being the co-founder of Morgan Stanley

Born on October 24, 1900 in London, Middlesex, England , United Kingdom

Died on February 8, 1982 in New York City, New York , United States

Family tree

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More information

Morgan was born on October 24, 1900 in London, England to John Pierpont Morgan Jr. (1867–1943) and Jane Norton Morgan (née Grew) (d. 1925). His father was the son of John Pierpont Morgan Sr. (1837–1913) and his mother was the daughter of Boston banker and mill owner Henry Sturgis Grew (1833–1910). He was educated at Groton School and graduated from Harvard University in 1923.

In 1923, the same year he graduated from Harvard, he joined J.P. Morgan & Co. and was a partner from 1928 to 1935. In 1935, he co-founded the Morgan Stanley together with Harold Stanley when the Glass–Steagall Act forced the separation on investment banking and commercial banking.

...   Morgan was born on October 24, 1900 in London, England to John Pierpont Morgan Jr. (1867–1943) and Jane Norton Morgan (née Grew) (d. 1925). His father was the son of John Pierpont Morgan Sr. (1837–1913) and his mother was the daughter of Boston banker and mill owner Henry Sturgis Grew (1833–1910). He was educated at Groton School and graduated from Harvard University in 1923.

In 1923, the same year he graduated from Harvard, he joined J.P. Morgan & Co. and was a partner from 1928 to 1935. In 1935, he co-founded the Morgan Stanley together with Harold Stanley when the Glass–Steagall Act forced the separation on investment banking and commercial banking.

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Geographical origins

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