Photo of Robert MONTGOMERY

Family tree of Robert MONTGOMERY

Actor, Director

AmericanBorn Henry MONTGOMERY

American actor and director.

Born on May 21, 1904 in Beacon, New York, USA , United States

Died on September 27, 1981 in New York City, New York, USA

Family tree

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Montgomery was born Henry Montgomery, Jr. in Beacon, New York, then known as "Fishkill Landing", the son of Mary Weed (née Barney) and Henry Montgomery, Sr. His early childhood was one of privilege, since his father was president of the New York Rubber Company. After his own father committed suicide in 1922, jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge, the family's fortune was gone.

Montgomery went to New York City to try his hand at writing and acting. He established a stage career, and became popular enough to turn down an offer to appear opposite Vilma Bánky in the film This Is Heaven. Sharing a stage with George Cukor gave him an in to Hollywood, where, in 1929, he debuted in So This Is College. Montgomery entered the moving picture industry during the revolution of the talkies, which made it more difficult to impress the studio. One writer claimed that Montgomery was able to establish himself because he "proceeded with confidence, agreeable with everyone, eager and willing to take suggestions". During the production of So This Is College, he learned from and questioned crew members from several departments, including sound crew, electricians, set designers, camera crew and film editors. In a later interview, he confessed "it showed [him] that making a motion picture is a great co-operative project."

...   Montgomery was born Henry Montgomery, Jr. in Beacon, New York, then known as "Fishkill Landing", the son of Mary Weed (née Barney) and Henry Montgomery, Sr. His early childhood was one of privilege, since his father was president of the New York Rubber Company. After his own father committed suicide in 1922, jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge, the family's fortune was gone.

Montgomery went to New York City to try his hand at writing and acting. He established a stage career, and became popular enough to turn down an offer to appear opposite Vilma Bánky in the film This Is Heaven. Sharing a stage with George Cukor gave him an in to Hollywood, where, in 1929, he debuted in So This Is College. Montgomery entered the moving picture industry during the revolution of the talkies, which made it more difficult to impress the studio. One writer claimed that Montgomery was able to establish himself because he "proceeded with confidence, agreeable with everyone, eager and willing to take suggestions". During the production of So This Is College, he learned from and questioned crew members from several departments, including sound crew, electricians, set designers, camera crew and film editors. In a later interview, he confessed "it showed [him] that making a motion picture is a great co-operative project."

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Geographical origins

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