Photo of George P. MCLEAN

Family tree of George P. MCLEAN

American politician

AmericanBorn George Payne MCLEAN

59th Governor of Connecticut

Born on October 7, 1857 in Simsbury, Connecticut, USA , United States

Died on June 6, 1932 in Simsbury, Connecticut, USA

Family tree

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More information

Born in Simsbury, the son of Dudley B. McLean and Mary (Payne) McLean, McLean attended the common schools and after his 1877 graduation, he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1881. He began his practice in Hartford. He married Leah Demarest in 1873 and they had four children. After her death in 1918, he married Mrs. Isabella (Bishop) McClintock. ...   Born in Simsbury, the son of Dudley B. McLean and Mary (Payne) McLean, McLean attended the common schools and after his 1877 graduation, he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1881. He began his practice in Hartford. He married Leah Demarest in 1873 and they had four children. After her death in 1918, he married Mrs. Isabella (Bishop) McClintock.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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