Photo of La Belle TITCOMB

Family tree of La Belle TITCOMB


AmericanBorn Heloise MCCENEY

American vaudeville performer known as The Parisian Dancer on Horseback and later Zoronda La Belle

Born on January 16, 1876 in Washington, D.C., USA , United States (149 years)

Family tree

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More information

Heloise McCeney was born in Washington, D.C., the daughter of Robert and Anna (née Broom) McCeney. Robert McCeney, a native of Washington D.C., served as secretary for the National Fair Association in Washington. He died in San Leandro, California on December 9, 1898 after a short bout with pneumonia. Her mother died five years later on February 27, 1903, and was interred at Rock Creek Cemetery in Washington D.C., as was her father and a younger brother, Robert, who died in 1884. McCeney also had a half-brother, Charles, from her mother's previous marriage. ...   Heloise McCeney was born in Washington, D.C., the daughter of Robert and Anna (née Broom) McCeney. Robert McCeney, a native of Washington D.C., served as secretary for the National Fair Association in Washington. He died in San Leandro, California on December 9, 1898 after a short bout with pneumonia. Her mother died five years later on February 27, 1903, and was interred at Rock Creek Cemetery in Washington D.C., as was her father and a younger brother, Robert, who died in 1884. McCeney also had a half-brother, Charles, from her mother's previous marriage.

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Geographical origins

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