Family tree of Henry MARTIN

Author, French Deputy, Senator, Constitutional Council member, French Mayor and member of the Municipal council

FrenchBorn Bon Louis Henry MARTIN

French historian

Born on February 20, 1810 in Saint-Quentin, France , France

Died on December 14, 1883 in Passy, France

Family tree

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More information

Martin was born at Saint-Quentin, into an upper-middle-class family. Trained as a notary, he followed this profession for some time but having achieved success with an historical romance, Wolfthurm (1830), he applied himself to historical research. Martin sat in the Assemblée Nationale as deputy for Aisne in 1871, and was elected on June 13, 1878, to seat number 38 of the Académie française, but he left no mark as a politician. ...   Martin was born at Saint-Quentin, into an upper-middle-class family. Trained as a notary, he followed this profession for some time but having achieved success with an historical romance, Wolfthurm (1830), he applied himself to historical research. Martin sat in the Assemblée Nationale as deputy for Aisne in 1871, and was elected on June 13, 1878, to seat number 38 of the Académie française, but he left no mark as a politician.

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Geographical origins

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