Photo of Forrest MARS SR.

Family tree of Forrest MARS SR.

Industrialist, Businessman

AmericanBorn Forrest Edward MARS

American businessman and the driving force of the Mars candy empire

Born on March 21, 1904 in Wadena, Minnesota, USA , United States

Died on July 1, 1999 in Miami, Florida, USA

Family tree

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More information

Mars was born in Wadena, Minnesota, and raised in Saskatchewan, Canada after his parents' divorce when he was just a child. He rarely saw his father. After high school he entered the University of California, Berkeley and later transferred to Yale University, where he completed a degree in industrial engineering in 1928.

As an adult, Forrest Mars reunited with his father at Mars, Inc. However the pair ran into a disagreement when Forrest wanted to expand abroad while his father did not. Mars then took a buyout from his father and moved to England where he created the Mars bar and Maltesers while estranged from his father in 1933. In Europe, Mars briefly worked for Nestlé and the Tobler company.

...   Mars was born in Wadena, Minnesota, and raised in Saskatchewan, Canada after his parents' divorce when he was just a child. He rarely saw his father. After high school he entered the University of California, Berkeley and later transferred to Yale University, where he completed a degree in industrial engineering in 1928.

As an adult, Forrest Mars reunited with his father at Mars, Inc. However the pair ran into a disagreement when Forrest wanted to expand abroad while his father did not. Mars then took a buyout from his father and moved to England where he created the Mars bar and Maltesers while estranged from his father in 1933. In Europe, Mars briefly worked for Nestlé and the Tobler company.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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