Photo of Edmond MARIN LA MESLéE

Family tree of Edmond MARIN LA MESLéE

Aviator, World Wars & Contemporary Wars

FrenchBorn Edmond MARIN LA MESLéE

French fighter pilot in World War II

Born on February 5, 1912 in Valenciennes, France , France

Died on February 4, 1945 in Dessenheim, France

Family tree

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More information

Edmond Marin la Meslée was born on February 5, 1912 in Valenciennes, France. After studying law, he took government-subsidized flying lessons at the Morane flight school and gained his license in 1931. At 19, he entered the French Air Force and, after graduating from the school at Istres, was assigned to a unit in Strasbourg. At the end of his two-year tour, he re-enlisted for another two years, despite having to serve at a lower rank. ...   Edmond Marin la Meslée was born on February 5, 1912 in Valenciennes, France. After studying law, he took government-subsidized flying lessons at the Morane flight school and gained his license in 1931. At 19, he entered the French Air Force and, after graduating from the school at Istres, was assigned to a unit in Strasbourg. At the end of his two-year tour, he re-enlisted for another two years, despite having to serve at a lower rank.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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