Photo of Victor MARGUERITTE

Family tree of Victor MARGUERITTE


FrenchBorn Victor MARGUERITTE

French novelist

Born on December 1, 1866 in Blida, Algeria , Algeria

Died on March 23, 1942 in Monestier, France

Family tree

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More information

Margueritte was the son of General Jean Auguste Margueritte (1823 – 1870), who after an honorable career in Algeria was mortally wounded in the great cavalry charge at Sedan, and died in Belgium, on September 6, 1870. An account of his life was published by Paul Margueritte as Mon père (1884; enlarged ed., 1897).

Victor Margueritte designed two pantomimes, Pierrot assassin de sa femme (Théatre Libre, 1882) and Colombine pardonnée (Cercle funambulesque, 1888). He is the author of La Garçonne.

...   Margueritte was the son of General Jean Auguste Margueritte (1823 – 1870), who after an honorable career in Algeria was mortally wounded in the great cavalry charge at Sedan, and died in Belgium, on September 6, 1870. An account of his life was published by Paul Margueritte as Mon père (1884; enlarged ed., 1897).

Victor Margueritte designed two pantomimes, Pierrot assassin de sa femme (Théatre Libre, 1882) and Colombine pardonnée (Cercle funambulesque, 1888). He is the author of La Garçonne.

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Geographical origins

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