Photo of Hervé Mangon

Family tree of Hervé Mangon

French Minister and Secretary of state (before French Fifth Republic)

FrenchBorn Charles François Hervé Mangon

French politician

Born on July 31, 1821 in Paris , France

Died on May 17, 1888 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

Hervé Mangon (31 July 1821 – 17 May 1888) was a French politician of the French Third Republic. He was born in Paris, France. He was minister of agriculture (6 April – 9 November 1885) in the cabinet of Henri Brisson. He was a commander of the Legion of Honour.

...   Hervé Mangon (31 July 1821 – 17 May 1888) was a French politician of the French Third Republic. He was born in Paris, France. He was minister of agriculture (6 April – 9 November 1885) in the cabinet of Henri Brisson. He was a commander of the Legion of Honour.

"Hervé Mangon", in Adolphe Robert and Gaston Cougny, Dictionnaire des parlementaires français (1789-1891), Bourloton, Paris, 1889 Edition details Wikisource

Hervé Mangon, par Gaston Tissandier, La Nature no. 782 - 26 mai 1888
"Hervé Mangon (1821–1888) - Gloubik Sciences". Retrieved 2016-05-29.

Biography from Wikipedia (see original) under licence CC BY-SA 3.0


Geographical origins

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