Photo of John MAHONEY

Family tree of John MAHONEY


AmericanBorn Charles John MAHONEY

English-American actor of stage, film, and television

Born on June 20, 1940 in Blackpool, Lancashire, England , United Kingdom

Died on February 4, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois , United States

Family tree

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Mahoney was born in the Bispham area of Blackpool, England on June 20, 1940, the seventh of eight children. His paternal grandfather was Irish Catholic.

The family had been evacuated to Blackpool from the Mahoneys' home city of Manchester, when it was heavily bombed during the Second World War. He started school at St Joseph's College, Blackpool. After the war, the family moved back to Manchester. Mahoney grew up in the Withington area of the city and discovered acting at the Stretford Children's Theatre. His father Reg was a baker who played classical piano, and his mother Margaret (née Watson) was a housewife who loved reading. His parents' marriage was not happy and they either would not speak to each other or have heated arguments. The family situation, combined with the war, fueled Mahoney's interest in acting and he vowed to leave Manchester.

...   Mahoney was born in the Bispham area of Blackpool, England on June 20, 1940, the seventh of eight children. His paternal grandfather was Irish Catholic.

The family had been evacuated to Blackpool from the Mahoneys' home city of Manchester, when it was heavily bombed during the Second World War. He started school at St Joseph's College, Blackpool. After the war, the family moved back to Manchester. Mahoney grew up in the Withington area of the city and discovered acting at the Stretford Children's Theatre. His father Reg was a baker who played classical piano, and his mother Margaret (née Watson) was a housewife who loved reading. His parents' marriage was not happy and they either would not speak to each other or have heated arguments. The family situation, combined with the war, fueled Mahoney's interest in acting and he vowed to leave Manchester.

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Geographical origins

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