Photo of Bertrand-François MAHÉ DE LA BOURDONNAIS

Family tree of Bertrand-François MAHÉ DE LA BOURDONNAIS

French Ancien Régime

FrenchBorn Bertrand-François MAHÉ DE LA BOURDONNAIS

French naval officer and administrator, in the service of the French East India Company

Born on January 11, 1699 in Saint-Malo , France

Died on November 10, 1753 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

La Bourdonnais entered the service of the French East India Company as a lieutenant. In 1724, he was promoted to captain, and displayed such bravery in the capture of Mahé on the Malabar Coast that the name of the town was added to his own; although an alternative account suggests that the town adopted his name, rather than the other way around. For two years he was in the service of the Portuguese Viceroy, but in 1735 he returned to French service as governor of the Isle de France (now Mauritius) and the Île de Bourbon (Réunion). ...   La Bourdonnais entered the service of the French East India Company as a lieutenant. In 1724, he was promoted to captain, and displayed such bravery in the capture of Mahé on the Malabar Coast that the name of the town was added to his own; although an alternative account suggests that the town adopted his name, rather than the other way around. For two years he was in the service of the Portuguese Viceroy, but in 1735 he returned to French service as governor of the Isle de France (now Mauritius) and the Île de Bourbon (Réunion).

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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