Photo of Charles René MAGON DE MÉDINE

Family tree of Charles René MAGON DE MÉDINE

French Revolution & Empire, 19th Century

FrenchBorn Charles René MAGON DE MÉDINE

French contre-amiral killed at the battle of Trafalgar

Born on November 12, 1763 in Paris , France

Died on October 21, 1805 in Bataille de Trafalgar , Spain

Family tree

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More information

From a noble family in Saint Malo, Magon became a garde marine in 1777. His father, the governor of the Mascarene Islands, died in 1778 and left his son his estate of Médine on Mauritius, from which Magon derived his full name. He fought at Ushant in 1778 on the ship of the line Bretagne before participating in the English Channel campaign on the Saint Esprit. ...   From a noble family in Saint Malo, Magon became a garde marine in 1777. His father, the governor of the Mascarene Islands, died in 1778 and left his son his estate of Médine on Mauritius, from which Magon derived his full name. He fought at Ushant in 1778 on the ship of the line Bretagne before participating in the English Channel campaign on the Saint Esprit.

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Geographical origins

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