Family tree of Robert C. MACKENZIE
World Wars & Contemporary Wars
Born Robert Callen MACKENZIE
American professional soldier
Born on November 30, 1948 in San Diego, California , United States
Died on February 24, 1995 in Unknown , Sierra Leone
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After finishing high school at the age of 17 in 1966, MacKenzie was awarded an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy. He, however, opted to join the Army, not wishing to miss out on the Vietnam War. At the Army Recruiting Station in San Diego, California, he enlisted as an infantryman. By 1967, he was airborne-qualified, had completed the jungle operations course in Panama and was sent to Vietnam. On 29 May 1967, a bullet wound suffered storming Mother's Day Hill ended his army service. After a year in the hospital, the US Army declared him 70% disabled
After finishing high school at the age of 17 in 1966, MacKenzie was awarded an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy. He, however, opted to join the Army, not wishing to miss out on the Vietnam War. At the Army Recruiting Station in San Diego, California, he enlisted as an infantryman. By 1967, he was airborne-qualified, had completed the jungle operations course in Panama and was sent to Vietnam. On 29 May 1967, a bullet wound suffered storming Mother's Day Hill ended his army service. After a year in the hospital, the US Army declared him 70% disabled and he was permanently retired. His last duty assignment was with Co B 1st Bn(ABN) 327th Infantry.
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