Family tree of Emile LOUBET

Head of state

FrenchBorn Emile François LOUBET

French politician and the 8th President of France

Born on December 31, 1838 in Marsanne, France , France

Died on December 20, 1929 in Montélimar, France

Family tree

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Loubet was born the son of a peasant proprietor and mayor of Marsanne (Drôme). Admitted to the Parisian bar in 1862, he took his doctorate in law the next year. He was still a student when he witnessed the sweeping triumph of the Republican party in Paris at the general election in 1863, during the Second French Empire. He settled down to the exercise of his profession in Montélimar, where in 1869 he married Marie Louis Picard. He also inherited a small estate at Grignan. ...   Loubet was born the son of a peasant proprietor and mayor of Marsanne (Drôme). Admitted to the Parisian bar in 1862, he took his doctorate in law the next year. He was still a student when he witnessed the sweeping triumph of the Republican party in Paris at the general election in 1863, during the Second French Empire. He settled down to the exercise of his profession in Montélimar, where in 1869 he married Marie Louis Picard. He also inherited a small estate at Grignan.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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