Family tree of Pierre-Marie LE BOZEC
French Revolution & Empire, 19th Century
Born Pierre-Marie LE BOZEC
French Navy officer
Born on April 28, 1769 in Bréhat, Côtes-d'Armor , France
Died on May 15, 1830 in Bréhat, Côtes-d'Armor , France
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Le Bozec was born to a family of sailors, and started sailing in 1780 on a merchantman. From 1782, he took part in the Naval operations in the American Revolutionary War on the 80-gun Deux Frères, captained by his father.
Le Bozec was born to a family of sailors, and started sailing in 1780 on a merchantman. From 1782, he took part in the Naval operations in the American Revolutionary War on the 80-gun Deux Frères, captained by his father.
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