Photo of Ludovic-Napoléon LEPIC

Family tree of Ludovic-Napoléon LEPIC


FrenchBorn Ludovic-Napoléon LEPIC

French artist, archaeologist and patron of the arts

Born on December 17, 1839 in Paris , France

Died on October 27, 1889 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

He was styled as Vicomte Lepic until his father's death in 1875, when he succeeded to the title of Comte Lepic. He is best remembered today as a friend of Edgar Degas, who included him in some eleven paintings and pastels. He was among the original Impressionist group and later became a recognised marine painter. ...   He was styled as Vicomte Lepic until his father's death in 1875, when he succeeded to the title of Comte Lepic. He is best remembered today as a friend of Edgar Degas, who included him in some eleven paintings and pastels. He was among the original Impressionist group and later became a recognised marine painter.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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