Photo of Giacomo LEOPARDI

Family tree of Giacomo LEOPARDI

Author, Philosopher, Poet

ItalianBorn Giacomo LEOPARDI

Italian philosopher, poet, essayist, and philologist

Born on June 29, 1798 in Recanati, Macerata, Marche , Italy

Died on June 14, 1837 in Napoli, Napoli, Campania , Italy

Family tree

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More information

Leopardi was born into a local noble family in Recanati, in the Marche, at the time ruled by the papacy. His father, Count Monaldo Leopardi, who was fond of literature but weak and reactionary, remained bound to antiquated ideas and prejudices. His mother, Marchioness Adelaide Antici Mattei, was a cold and authoritarian woman, obsessed with rebuilding the family's financial fortunes, which had been destroyed by her husband's gambling addiction. A rigorous discipline of religion and economy reigned in the home. ...   Leopardi was born into a local noble family in Recanati, in the Marche, at the time ruled by the papacy. His father, Count Monaldo Leopardi, who was fond of literature but weak and reactionary, remained bound to antiquated ideas and prejudices. His mother, Marchioness Adelaide Antici Mattei, was a cold and authoritarian woman, obsessed with rebuilding the family's financial fortunes, which had been destroyed by her husband's gambling addiction. A rigorous discipline of religion and economy reigned in the home.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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