Family tree of Louis-Sébastien LE NAIN DE TILLEMONT

Sciences - Other, Priest, nun, rabbi, imam...

FrenchBorn Louis-Sébastien LE NAIN DE TILLEMONT

French ecclesiastical historian

Born on November 30, 1637 in Paris, France , France

Died on January 10, 1698

Family tree

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More information

He was born in Paris into a wealthy Jansenist family, and was educated at the Petites écoles of Port-Royal, where his historical interests were formed and encouraged. At the age of twenty, he began his two monumental works, the Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastique des six premiers siècles and the Histoire des empereurs et autres princes qui ont régné pendant les six premiers siècles de l'Église. The first is a history of the first six centuries of the Christian Church; the second is a history of the Roman emperors during the same period. ...   He was born in Paris into a wealthy Jansenist family, and was educated at the Petites écoles of Port-Royal, where his historical interests were formed and encouraged. At the age of twenty, he began his two monumental works, the Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastique des six premiers siècles and the Histoire des empereurs et autres princes qui ont régné pendant les six premiers siècles de l'Église. The first is a history of the first six centuries of the Christian Church; the second is a history of the Roman emperors during the same period.

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Geographical origins

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