Family tree of Thierry LE LURON
Born Thierry LE LURON
French impersonator and humorist
Born on April 2, 1952 in Paris, France , France
Died on November 13, 1986 in Boulogne-Billancourt, France
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Born in Paris, France, He was the son of Francis Le Luron (1926-2012), and Huguette Gousserey (1922-2009).
In 1969, when Thierry Le Luron was a 17-year-old student at the Lycée Emmanuel-Mounier in Châtenay-Malabry, he and his friends created a band called "Les rats crevés" ("The Dead Rats") and performed a few gigs in the Hauts-de-Seine region.
... Born in Paris, France, He was the son of Francis Le Luron (1926-2012), and Huguette Gousserey (1922-2009).
In 1969, when Thierry Le Luron was a 17-year-old student at the Lycée Emmanuel-Mounier in Châtenay-Malabry, he and his friends created a band called "Les rats crevés" ("The Dead Rats") and performed a few gigs in the Hauts-de-Seine region.
In 1969, when Thierry Le Luron was a 17-year-old student at the Lycée Emmanuel-Mounier in Châtenay-Malabry, he and his friends created a band called "Les rats crevés" ("The Dead Rats") and performed a few gigs in the Hauts-de-Seine region.
... Born in Paris, France, He was the son of Francis Le Luron (1926-2012), and Huguette Gousserey (1922-2009).
In 1969, when Thierry Le Luron was a 17-year-old student at the Lycée Emmanuel-Mounier in Châtenay-Malabry, he and his friends created a band called "Les rats crevés" ("The Dead Rats") and performed a few gigs in the Hauts-de-Seine region.
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