Photo of Nicolas LEBLANC

Family tree of Nicolas LEBLANC


FrenchBorn Nicolas LEBLANC

French chemist and surgeon

Born on December 6, 1742 in Ivoy-le-Pré, Cher , France

Died on January 16, 1806 in Saint-Denis , France

Family tree

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More information

His father, a minor official at an iron works, died in 1751. Leblanc was sent to Bourges to live with Dr. Bien, a close family friend. Under the influence of his guardian, Leblanc developed an interest in medicine. When Bien died in 1759, Leblanc enrolled at the École de Chirurgie (College of Surgeons) in Paris to study medicine. ...   His father, a minor official at an iron works, died in 1751. Leblanc was sent to Bourges to live with Dr. Bien, a close family friend. Under the influence of his guardian, Leblanc developed an interest in medicine. When Bien died in 1759, Leblanc enrolled at the École de Chirurgie (College of Surgeons) in Paris to study medicine.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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