Family tree of Alphonse LAVERAN
Born Charles Louis Alphonse LAVERAN
French physician
Born on June 18, 1845 in Paris, France , France
Died on May 18, 1922 in Paris, France
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In 1880, while working in the military hospital in Constantine, Algeria, he discovered that the cause of malaria is a protozoan, after observing the parasites in a blood smear taken from a patient who had just died of malaria. He also helped inspire researchers and veterinarians today to try to find a cure for malaria in animals.
In 1880, while working in the military hospital in Constantine, Algeria, he discovered that the cause of malaria is a protozoan, after observing the parasites in a blood smear taken from a patient who had just died of malaria. He also helped inspire researchers and veterinarians today to try to find a cure for malaria in animals.
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