Family tree of Alfred DELACOUR
Born Pierre Alfred LARTIGUE
French playwright and librettist
Born on September 3, 1817 in Bordeaux , France
Died on March 31, 1883 in Paris , France
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In addition to his occupation as a physician that he practised from 1841, Delacour turned progressively to the theatre. He would collaborate with Eugène Labiche and Clairville for several vaudevilles
... In addition to his occupation as a physician that he practised from 1841, Delacour turned progressively to the theatre. He would collaborate with Eugène Labiche and Clairville for several vaudevilles
... In addition to his occupation as a physician that he practised from 1841, Delacour turned progressively to the theatre. He would collaborate with Eugène Labiche and Clairville for several vaudevilles
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