Photo of Octave LAPIZE

Family tree of Octave LAPIZE


FrenchBorn Louis Octave LAPIZE

French professional road racing cyclist and track cyclist

Born on October 24, 1887 in Paris , France

Died on July 14, 1917 in Toul , France

Family tree

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More information

Most famous for winning the 1910 Tour de France and a bronze medal at the 1908 Summer Olympics in the men's 100 kilometres, he was a three-time winner of one-day classics, Paris–Roubaix and Paris–Brussels.

...   Most famous for winning the 1910 Tour de France and a bronze medal at the 1908 Summer Olympics in the men's 100 kilometres, he was a three-time winner of one-day classics, Paris–Roubaix and Paris–Brussels.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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