Photo of Guje Lagerwall

Family tree of Guje Lagerwall


SwedishBorn Gunn-Marie Hjöril Imber Sjöström

Swedish actress

Born on January 13, 1918 in Stockholm , Sweden

Died on January 8, 2019 in Stockholm , Sweden

Family tree

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More information

Guje Lagerwall, born Gun-Marie Sjöström, (13 January 1918 – 8 January 2019) was a Swedish actress.

...   Guje Lagerwall, born Gun-Marie Sjöström, (13 January 1918 – 8 January 2019) was a Swedish actress.

Gun-Marie Sjöström was the daughter of film director and actor Victor Sjöström and actress Edith Erastoff-Sjöström. Lagerwall herself started an acting career and played supporting roles in a number of films. She sometimes worked under the name Guje Kanter. She was interviewed about her father in Kevin Brownlow's 1995 documentary Cinema Europe: The Other Hollywood.
She was married to actor Sture Lagerwall from 1940 until their divorce in 1956. Guje Lagerwall died aged 100, five days before her 101st birthday.

Doktor Glas (1942)
Maria of Kvarngarden (1945)
Divorced (1951)
Blondie, Beef and the Banana (1952)
Han glömde henne aldrig (1952)
International Criminal Police Commission
Den underbara lögnen (1955)
Farligt löfte (1955)


External links
Guje Lagerwall at IMDb

Biography from Wikipedia (see original) under licence CC BY-SA 3.0


Geographical origins

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