Photo of Louis LACHENAL

Family tree of Louis LACHENAL


FrenchBorn Louis Antonin LACHENAL

French climber

Born on July 17, 1921 in Annecy, France , France

Died on November 25, 1955 in Vallée Blanche à Chamonix, France

Family tree

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More information

On 3 June 1950, along with Maurice Herzog, he reached the summit of Annapurna I in Nepal at a height of 8,091 m (26,545 ft). Previously he had made the second ascent of the North Face of the Eiger in 1947, with Lionel Terray. He died falling into a snow-covered crevasse while skiing the Vallee Blanche in Chamonix. ...   On 3 June 1950, along with Maurice Herzog, he reached the summit of Annapurna I in Nepal at a height of 8,091 m (26,545 ft). Previously he had made the second ascent of the North Face of the Eiger in 1947, with Lionel Terray. He died falling into a snow-covered crevasse while skiing the Vallee Blanche in Chamonix.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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