Photo of Irena SENDLER

Family tree of Irena SENDLER

Member of the French Resistance during World War II


Polish humanitarian, social worker, and nurse

Born on February 15, 1910 in Varsovie , Poland

Died on May 12, 2008 in Varsovie , Poland

Family tree

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More information

Sendler was born on 15 February 1910 in Warsaw, to Stanislaw Henryk Krzyzanowski, a physician, and his wife, Janina Karolina (née Grzybowska). She was baptized Irena Stanislawa on 2 February 1917 in Otwock. She grew up in Otwock, a town about 15 miles (24 km) southeast of Warsaw, where there was a Jewish community. Her father, a humanitarian who treated the very poor, including Jews, free of charge, died in February 1917 from typhus contracted from his patients. ...   Sendler was born on 15 February 1910 in Warsaw, to Stanislaw Henryk Krzyzanowski, a physician, and his wife, Janina Karolina (née Grzybowska). She was baptized Irena Stanislawa on 2 February 1917 in Otwock. She grew up in Otwock, a town about 15 miles (24 km) southeast of Warsaw, where there was a Jewish community. Her father, a humanitarian who treated the very poor, including Jews, free of charge, died in February 1917 from typhus contracted from his patients.

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Geographical origins

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