Photo of Joseph P. KENNEDY II

Family tree of Joseph P. KENNEDY II

American politician

AmericanBorn Joseph Patrick KENNEDY

American businessman and politician

Born on September 24, 1952 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA , United States (72 years)

Family tree

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Kennedy was born in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, to Robert Francis Kennedy and Ethel (Skakel) Kennedy, the second of their eleven children. He had a troubled youth, and was expelled from several private schools as a result of his quick temper. He regularly got into fights with his younger brothers and male cousins. A restless, impulsive teenager, he left the Milton Academy, a private, college preparatory school, in Milton, Massachusetts, before graduating from the Manter Hall School — also a private, college-preparatory school — in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1971.

Kennedy attended the University of California, Berkeley in Berkeley, California, during 1972, but dropped out. After this he worked for several months as part of a federally funded program to combat and treat tuberculosis in the African American community in San Francisco, California. San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto personally praised Kennedy's work in the community. Kennedy resigned from his position in the program, and returned to Massachusetts in the summer of 1973.

...   Kennedy was born in Brighton, a neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, to Robert Francis Kennedy and Ethel (Skakel) Kennedy, the second of their eleven children. He had a troubled youth, and was expelled from several private schools as a result of his quick temper. He regularly got into fights with his younger brothers and male cousins. A restless, impulsive teenager, he left the Milton Academy, a private, college preparatory school, in Milton, Massachusetts, before graduating from the Manter Hall School — also a private, college-preparatory school — in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1971.

Kennedy attended the University of California, Berkeley in Berkeley, California, during 1972, but dropped out. After this he worked for several months as part of a federally funded program to combat and treat tuberculosis in the African American community in San Francisco, California. San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto personally praised Kennedy's work in the community. Kennedy resigned from his position in the program, and returned to Massachusetts in the summer of 1973.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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