Guillermo KAHLO

Family tree of Guillermo KAHLO


MexicanBorn Carl Wilhelm KAHLO

German Mexican photographer

Born on October 26, 1871 in Pforzheim, Grand Duchy of Baden , Germany

Died on April 14, 1941 in Mexico City , Mexico

Family tree

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More information

Kahlo was born in Pforzheim, Grand Duchy of Baden, German Empire (now in Baden-Württemberg, Germany), the son of jeweller Jakob Heinrich Kahlo and Henriette Kaufmann. His daughter Frida Kahlo maintained that he was of Hungarian-Jewish descent. A 2005 book, by Gaby Franger and Rainer Huhle, traced Kahlo's genealogy, and stated that "despite the legend propagated by Frida," Guillermo did not have Jewish Hungarian roots, but was born to Lutheran parents who "came from families accommodated in Frankfurt and Pforzheim." ...   Kahlo was born in Pforzheim, Grand Duchy of Baden, German Empire (now in Baden-Württemberg, Germany), the son of jeweller Jakob Heinrich Kahlo and Henriette Kaufmann. His daughter Frida Kahlo maintained that he was of Hungarian-Jewish descent. A 2005 book, by Gaby Franger and Rainer Huhle, traced Kahlo's genealogy, and stated that "despite the legend propagated by Frida," Guillermo did not have Jewish Hungarian roots, but was born to Lutheran parents who "came from families accommodated in Frankfurt and Pforzheim."

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Geographical origins

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