Photo of Théodore Simon JOUFFROY

Family tree of Théodore Simon JOUFFROY

Philosopher, French Deputy, Senator, Constitutional Council member

FrenchBorn Théodore Simon JOUFFROY

French philosopher

Born on July 6, 1796 in Les Pontets , France

Died on February 4, 1842 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

He was born at Les Pontets, Franche-Comté, département of Doubs. In his tenth year, his father, a tax-gatherer, sent him to an uncle at Pontarlier, under whom he began his classical studies. At Dijon his compositions attracted the attention of an inspector, who had him placed (1814) in the normal school, Paris. ...   He was born at Les Pontets, Franche-Comté, département of Doubs. In his tenth year, his father, a tax-gatherer, sent him to an uncle at Pontarlier, under whom he began his classical studies. At Dijon his compositions attracted the attention of an inspector, who had him placed (1814) in the normal school, Paris.

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Geographical origins

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