Photo of Duncan JONES

Family tree of Duncan JONES


EnglishBorn Duncan Zowie Haywood JONES

British film director, producer and screenwriter

Born on May 30, 1971 in Bromley, London, England , United Kingdom (53 years)

Family tree

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More information

Jones was born in Bromley Hospital, Bromley, London on 30 May 1971, the only child of English singer-songwriter and musician David Bowie and his first wife, Angela "Angie" Bowie (née Barnett), an American model and actress. His maternal grandfather, George, was a United States Army veteran and mining engineer who ran a mill for the Cyprus Mines Corporation, while his maternal grandmother, Helena, was a naturalized Canadian. His mother was born and raised in Cyprus, and has Polish ancestry. His birth prompted his father to write the songs "Kooks" and "Oh! You Pretty Things" for his 1971 album Hunky Dory. ...   Jones was born in Bromley Hospital, Bromley, London on 30 May 1971, the only child of English singer-songwriter and musician David Bowie and his first wife, Angela "Angie" Bowie (née Barnett), an American model and actress. His maternal grandfather, George, was a United States Army veteran and mining engineer who ran a mill for the Cyprus Mines Corporation, while his maternal grandmother, Helena, was a naturalized Canadian. His mother was born and raised in Cyprus, and has Polish ancestry. His birth prompted his father to write the songs "Kooks" and "Oh! You Pretty Things" for his 1971 album Hunky Dory.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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