Photo of Marguerite STEINHEIL

Family tree of Marguerite STEINHEIL


FrenchBorn Marguerite Jeanne JAPY

French woman famous for her many love affairs with important men

Born on April 16, 1869 in Beaucourt , France

Died on July 17, 1954 in Howe, Sussex, England , United Kingdom

Family tree

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More information

Steinheil was born Marguerite Jeanne Japy in Beaucourt, in the Territoire de Belfort, to a rich, industrial family, the daughter of Emilie (Rau) and Eduard Japy. She married the well-known French painter Adolphe Steinheil in July 1890. She became a prominent figure in Parisian society, and her salon was frequented by men of eminence in French political and social circles, including Gounod, Ferdinand de Lesseps, René Lalique, Jules Massenet, François Coppée, Émile Zola, and Pierre Loti. ...   Steinheil was born Marguerite Jeanne Japy in Beaucourt, in the Territoire de Belfort, to a rich, industrial family, the daughter of Emilie (Rau) and Eduard Japy. She married the well-known French painter Adolphe Steinheil in July 1890. She became a prominent figure in Parisian society, and her salon was frequented by men of eminence in French political and social circles, including Gounod, Ferdinand de Lesseps, René Lalique, Jules Massenet, François Coppée, Émile Zola, and Pierre Loti.

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Geographical origins

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