Family tree of SAINT CASIMIR


PoleBorn Casimir JAGELLON

Prince of the Kingdom of Poland and of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Born on October 3, 1458 in Cracovie , Poland

Died on March 4, 1484 in Grodno , Belarus

Family tree

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More information

A member of the Jagiellon dynasty, Casimir was born in Wawel Castle in Kraków. Casimir was the third child and the second son of the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Casimir IV and Queen Elisabeth Habsburg of Hungary. Elisabeth was a loving mother and took active interest in her children's upbringing. The Queen and the children often accompanied the King in his annual trips to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. ...   A member of the Jagiellon dynasty, Casimir was born in Wawel Castle in Kraków. Casimir was the third child and the second son of the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Casimir IV and Queen Elisabeth Habsburg of Hungary. Elisabeth was a loving mother and took active interest in her children's upbringing. The Queen and the children often accompanied the King in his annual trips to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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