Photo of Laurent IMBERT

Family tree of Laurent IMBERT


FrenchBorn Laurent Joseph Marius IMBERT

French saint

Born on March 23, 1796 in Marignane, France , France

Died on September 21, 1839 in Seoul, Korea

Family tree

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More information

Imbert was born at Marignane. He studied at the seminary of the Missions Étrangères de Paris, France in 1818. Ordained on 18 December 1819, he was sent as a missionary to China in 1820.

Before reaching China, he taught at College General (Major Seminary) in Penang, Malaya from April 1821 to January 1822

...   Imbert was born at Marignane. He studied at the seminary of the Missions Étrangères de Paris, France in 1818. Ordained on 18 December 1819, he was sent as a missionary to China in 1820.

Before reaching China, he taught at College General (Major Seminary) in Penang, Malaya from April 1821 to January 1822

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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