Photo of Hannah VAN BUREN

Family tree of Hannah VAN BUREN


AmericanBorn Hannah HOES

wife of the eighth United States President, Martin Van Buren

Born on March 8, 1783 in Kinderhook, New York, USA , United States

Died on February 5, 1819 in Albany, New York, USA

Family tree

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She was born to Johannes Dircksen Hoes (1753–1789), and Maria Quakenbush (1754–1852) who were of Dutch ancestry. She was taught in a local Kinderhook school by master Vrouw Lange. Like Martin, she was raised in a Dutch home and never did lose her distinct Dutch accent. Van Buren was devoted to his shy, blue-eyed bride, whom he always called "Jannetje", a Dutch petform of Johanna. ...   She was born to Johannes Dircksen Hoes (1753–1789), and Maria Quakenbush (1754–1852) who were of Dutch ancestry. She was taught in a local Kinderhook school by master Vrouw Lange. Like Martin, she was raised in a Dutch home and never did lose her distinct Dutch accent. Van Buren was devoted to his shy, blue-eyed bride, whom he always called "Jannetje", a Dutch petform of Johanna.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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