Family tree of Georges HATOT
Born Georges Alphonse HATOT
French theater manager and pioneering french filmmaker
Born on December 22, 1876 in Paris , France
Died on August 11, 1959 in Paris , France
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He directed the first known film based on the story of Joan of Arc in 1898 as well as having made the first films to feature the Roman emperor Nero. Besides being a director he also wrote the 1908 serial Nick Carter, le roi des détectives which was a major success and spawned many detective series in the following years.
He directed the first known film based on the story of Joan of Arc in 1898 as well as having made the first films to feature the Roman emperor Nero. Besides being a director he also wrote the 1908 serial Nick Carter, le roi des détectives which was a major success and spawned many detective series in the following years.
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