Photo of Jean Isidore HARISPE

Family tree of Jean Isidore HARISPE

French Revolution & Empire, 19th Century

FrenchBorn Jean Isidore HARISPE

French soldier of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars

Born on December 7, 1768 in Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry, France , France

Died on May 26, 1855 in Lacarre, France

Family tree

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Harispe was born in Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry the son of a wealthy Basque landowner who wanted his son to become a priest. When the French Revolutionary Wars started in 1792, Harispe enlisted as a volunteer in the French army. In 1793, Harispe was elected commanding officer of a company organizing at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. Harispe distinguished himself in War of the Pyrenees against Spain. After peace was made with Spain in 1795, Harispe was assigned garrison duty in Bordeaux, where he fought insurgents in the Haute-Garonne. In 1799, he took part in the campaign in the Grisons under MacDonald. Transferred to the Army of ...   Harispe was born in Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry the son of a wealthy Basque landowner who wanted his son to become a priest. When the French Revolutionary Wars started in 1792, Harispe enlisted as a volunteer in the French army. In 1793, Harispe was elected commanding officer of a company organizing at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. Harispe distinguished himself in War of the Pyrenees against Spain. After peace was made with Spain in 1795, Harispe was assigned garrison duty in Bordeaux, where he fought insurgents in the Haute-Garonne. In 1799, he took part in the campaign in the Grisons under MacDonald. Transferred to the Army of Italy, he fought under Moncey and Brune. In May 1802, he was given command of the chasseurs basque, which became the 16th demi-brigade garrisoned in Angoulême.

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Geographical origins

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