Photo of Richard GRENVILLE

Family tree of Richard GRENVILLE

French Ancien Régime, Sailor

EnglishBorn Richard GRENVILLE

English Member of Parliament for Cornwall, Soldier, High Sheriff of County Cork, Armed Merchant Fleet Owner, Privateer, Sheriff of Cornwall, Colonizer, and explorer

Born on June 6, 1542 in Bideford, Devon, England , United Kingdom

Died on September 10, 1591 in Off Flores, Azores Islands

Family tree

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Richard Grenville was the eldest son and heir of Sir Roger Grenville (d.1545), who was Captain of the Mary Rose when it sank in Portsmouth Harbour in 1545, by his wife Thomasine Cole, daughter of Thomas Cole of Slade. Thomasine survived her husband and remarried to Thomas Arundell. The ancient Grenville family were lords of the manors of Bideford in Devon and of Stowe, Kilkhampton in Cornwall. He was a cousin of Sir Walter Raleigh and the privateer Sir Francis Drake. ...   Richard Grenville was the eldest son and heir of Sir Roger Grenville (d.1545), who was Captain of the Mary Rose when it sank in Portsmouth Harbour in 1545, by his wife Thomasine Cole, daughter of Thomas Cole of Slade. Thomasine survived her husband and remarried to Thomas Arundell. The ancient Grenville family were lords of the manors of Bideford in Devon and of Stowe, Kilkhampton in Cornwall. He was a cousin of Sir Walter Raleigh and the privateer Sir Francis Drake.

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Geographical origins

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