Family tree of Judd GREGG
American politician
Born Judd Alan GREGG
76th Governor of New Hampshire and a United States Senator from New Hampshire
Born on February 14, 1947 in Nashua, New Hampshire, USA , United States (77 years)
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Born in Nashua, New Hampshire, he is the son of Catherine Mitchell (née Warner) and Hugh Gregg, who was Governor from 1953 to 1955. Gregg graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in 1965. Gregg received his baccalaureate from Columbia University in 1969 and, from Boston University School of Law, a Juris Doctor in 1972 and a Master of Laws in 1975.
Born in Nashua, New Hampshire, he is the son of Catherine Mitchell (née Warner) and Hugh Gregg, who was Governor from 1953 to 1955. Gregg graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in 1965. Gregg received his baccalaureate from Columbia University in 1969 and, from Boston University School of Law, a Juris Doctor in 1972 and a Master of Laws in 1975.
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