Nicolette GOULET

Family tree of Nicolette GOULET


CanadianBorn Nicolette GOULET

Canadian-American film, television and musical theatre actress

Born on June 5, 1956 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada , Switzerland

Died on April 16, 2008 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

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Goulet got her start in acting on the television series Ryan's Hope with the role of Mary Ryan Fenelli in 1979. She was the fourth actress to portray the character. She also appeared on three other soaps: Search for Tomorrow as Kathy Parker Phillips Taper #2 from 1980 until 1982; on As the World Turns as Casey Reynolds in 1984, and on The Guiding Light as Meredith Reade Bauer from 1987 to 1989.

Goulet was the daughter of the late singer-actor Robert Goulet and his first wife, Louise Longmore. Educated in New York at Marymount College, where she starred in several plays, she developed a lasting love for singing and acting. Her first professional break came at age eighteen when she landed the role of Corey in a production of Barefoot in the Park. While performing with her father, she garnered tremendous experience working in front of large audiences. She learned her craft well, and honed it into an art.

...   Goulet got her start in acting on the television series Ryan's Hope with the role of Mary Ryan Fenelli in 1979. She was the fourth actress to portray the character. She also appeared on three other soaps: Search for Tomorrow as Kathy Parker Phillips Taper #2 from 1980 until 1982; on As the World Turns as Casey Reynolds in 1984, and on The Guiding Light as Meredith Reade Bauer from 1987 to 1989.

Goulet was the daughter of the late singer-actor Robert Goulet and his first wife, Louise Longmore. Educated in New York at Marymount College, where she starred in several plays, she developed a lasting love for singing and acting. Her first professional break came at age eighteen when she landed the role of Corey in a production of Barefoot in the Park. While performing with her father, she garnered tremendous experience working in front of large audiences. She learned her craft well, and honed it into an art.

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Geographical origins

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