Family tree of Aimé BONPLAND
Sciences - Other, Adventurer
Born Aimé Jacques Alexandre GOUJAUD
French explorer and botanist
Born on August 29, 1773 in La Rochelle, France , France
Died on May 11, 1858 in Paso De Los Libres, Argentine
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Bonpland's real surname was Goujaud, and he was born in La Rochelle, a coastal city in France. Around 1790, he left La Rochelle to find his brother Michael, who studied medicine in Paris. The two brothers had the opportunity to take courses in anatomy by Pierre Joseph Desault in the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris. During this period, Aimé Bonpland became friends with another student in anatomy, Marie François Xavier Bichat. From 1791, they also attended courses given at the Botanical Museum of Natural History of Paris where their teachers were the famous Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Antoine Laurent de Jussieu and René Louiche
Bonpland's real surname was Goujaud, and he was born in La Rochelle, a coastal city in France. Around 1790, he left La Rochelle to find his brother Michael, who studied medicine in Paris. The two brothers had the opportunity to take courses in anatomy by Pierre Joseph Desault in the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris. During this period, Aimé Bonpland became friends with another student in anatomy, Marie François Xavier Bichat. From 1791, they also attended courses given at the Botanical Museum of Natural History of Paris where their teachers were the famous Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Antoine Laurent de Jussieu and René Louiche Desfontaines.
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