Photo of Bruno GOLLNISCH

Family tree of Bruno GOLLNISCH

French Deputy, Senator, Constitutional Council member

FrenchBorn Bruno GOLLNISCH

French academic and politician

Born on January 28, 1950 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France , France (75 years)

Family tree

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Bruno Gollnisch studied Law, political science and far-eastern languages, with an initial intent to become a diplomat. He met Jean-Marie Le Pen while studying at Nanterre university. He also became a reserve officer in the French Navy.

In 1971-1973 he was granted degrees in Japanese and Malaysian-Indonesian by the INALCO. In 1973, he was awarded a degree in political sciences at Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). He did a masters (DEA) in public law in 1973. In 1974, he began doctoral studies in Law at Kyoto University (Japan). In 1978, he obtained a doctorate in law in Paris. Since 1980, he has been an attorney at the bar of Paris.

...   Bruno Gollnisch studied Law, political science and far-eastern languages, with an initial intent to become a diplomat. He met Jean-Marie Le Pen while studying at Nanterre university. He also became a reserve officer in the French Navy.

In 1971-1973 he was granted degrees in Japanese and Malaysian-Indonesian by the INALCO. In 1973, he was awarded a degree in political sciences at Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). He did a masters (DEA) in public law in 1973. In 1974, he began doctoral studies in Law at Kyoto University (Japan). In 1978, he obtained a doctorate in law in Paris. Since 1980, he has been an attorney at the bar of Paris.

After coming back to France, he began a career as juridical advisor, then lawyer. He is a specialist of the law of Eastern Asian countries.

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Geographical origins

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