Photo of Jean Baptiste André GODIN

Family tree of Jean Baptiste André GODIN

Philanthropist, Industrialist, Businessman

FrenchBorn Jean Baptiste André GODIN

French industrialist, writer and political theorist

Born on January 26, 1817 in Esquéhéries, France , France

Died on January 15, 1888 in Guise, France

Family tree

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More information

Born at Esquéhéries (Aisne), Godin was the son of an artisan smith and his wife. Starting work at his father's forge, he entered an iron works at age eleven as an apprentice. At age seventeen, he made a tour of France as journeyman with his older cousin, Jean-Nicholas Moret, also an ironsmith. ...   Born at Esquéhéries (Aisne), Godin was the son of an artisan smith and his wife. Starting work at his father's forge, he entered an iron works at age eleven as an apprentice. At age seventeen, he made a tour of France as journeyman with his older cousin, Jean-Nicholas Moret, also an ironsmith.

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Geographical origins

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