Photo of Paolo GENTILONI

Family tree of Paolo GENTILONI

Italian politician


Italian politician who served as the 57th Prime Minister of Italy

Born on November 22, 1954 in Roma, Lazio , Italy (70 years)

Family tree

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More information

A descendant of Count Gentiloni Silveri, Paolo Gentiloni is related to the Italian politician Vincenzo Ottorino Gentiloni, who was the leader of the conservative Catholic Electoral Union and a key ally of the long-time Prime Minister Giovanni Giolitti. Gentiloni has the titles of Nobile of Filottrano, Nobile of Cingoli, and Nobile of Macerata. ...   A descendant of Count Gentiloni Silveri, Paolo Gentiloni is related to the Italian politician Vincenzo Ottorino Gentiloni, who was the leader of the conservative Catholic Electoral Union and a key ally of the long-time Prime Minister Giovanni Giolitti. Gentiloni has the titles of Nobile of Filottrano, Nobile of Cingoli, and Nobile of Macerata.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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