Photo of Jean-Baptiste GAULTIER DE LA  VERENDRYE

Family tree of Jean-Baptiste GAULTIER DE LA VERENDRYE

Explorer - 16th-18th century

CanadianBorn Jean-Baptiste GAULTIER DE LA VERENDRYE

French explorer, founder of Fort St. Charles on Lake of the Woods and of Fort Maurepas on the Red River

Born on September 3, 1713 in Île Dupas , Canada

Died on June 6, 1736 in Fort Saint-Charles, Nouvelle-France , Canada

Family tree

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Jean Baptiste, with three brothers, Pierre Gaultier de La Vérendrye, François de La Vérendrye, and Louis-Joseph Gaultier de La Vérendrye, served in the expedition his father led west in 1731. When they arrived at Fort Kaministiquia some of the engagés (indentured employees), exhausted by the long journey by canoe from Montreal and discouraged by the difficult portages facing them, refused to go on. His father's second in command, Christopher Dufrost de La Jemeraye and Jean Baptiste led a smaller advance party west to Rainy Lake and established a fort they named Fort St. Pierre (after the parish church where Jean Baptiste was baptised).

The following year Jean Baptiste was instrumental in founding Fort St. Charles on Lake of the Woods and in 1734 he established Fort Maurepas on the Red River.

...   Jean Baptiste, with three brothers, Pierre Gaultier de La Vérendrye, François de La Vérendrye, and Louis-Joseph Gaultier de La Vérendrye, served in the expedition his father led west in 1731. When they arrived at Fort Kaministiquia some of the engagés (indentured employees), exhausted by the long journey by canoe from Montreal and discouraged by the difficult portages facing them, refused to go on. His father's second in command, Christopher Dufrost de La Jemeraye and Jean Baptiste led a smaller advance party west to Rainy Lake and established a fort they named Fort St. Pierre (after the parish church where Jean Baptiste was baptised).

The following year Jean Baptiste was instrumental in founding Fort St. Charles on Lake of the Woods and in 1734 he established Fort Maurepas on the Red River.

On June 6, 1736, Sioux Indians ambushed a party led by Jean Baptiste soon after they left Fort St. Charles on Lake of the Woods. They were headed for Fort Kaministiquia to fetch provisions. Jean Baptiste, Father Jean-Pierre Aulneau and 19 other men were massacred. Their bodies were later transported to Fort Saint-Charles and buried in the chapel.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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