Photo of Liam GALLAGHER

Family tree of Liam GALLAGHER

Singer & Musician

EnglishBorn William John GALLAGHER

English singer and songwriter, lead singer of the rock band Oasis

Born on September 21, 1972 in Burnage, Manchester, England , United Kingdom (52 years)

Family tree

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William John Paul Gallagher was born to Irish parents Thomas and Peggy Gallagher in Longsight in Manchester before later moving to Burnage. He was physically abused by his father as a child, although not to the extent that his older brothers Paul and Noel were. He has said that the abuse affected him deeply and inspired him to become an artist. When Liam was 10, Peggy took the boys and moved away from Thomas (she divorced him in 1986). Although Liam maintained sporadic contact with his father throughout his teens, he has said that their issues remain unresolved. Noel often ...   William John Paul Gallagher was born to Irish parents Thomas and Peggy Gallagher in Longsight in Manchester before later moving to Burnage. He was physically abused by his father as a child, although not to the extent that his older brothers Paul and Noel were. He has said that the abuse affected him deeply and inspired him to become an artist. When Liam was 10, Peggy took the boys and moved away from Thomas (she divorced him in 1986). Although Liam maintained sporadic contact with his father throughout his teens, he has said that their issues remain unresolved. Noel often contend that even from a young age, Liam went out of his way to antagonise people, especially Noel, with whom he shared a bedroom. The Gallagher brothers were troubled, especially in their mid-teens; Liam often shoplifted bicycles from local shops. He attended St. Bernard's RC Primary School until age 11, then The Barlow Roman Catholic High School; despite common reports that he was expelled at age 16 for fighting, Liam was actually suspended for three months. He then returned to school, where he completed his last term in Spring 1990. He gained 4 GCSEs.

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Geographical origins

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