Photo of Lesa KENNEDY

Family tree of Lesa KENNEDY

Industrialist, Businessman

AmericanBorn Lesa Dawn FRANCE

American chief executive officer of International Speedway Corporation and a member of the board of directors of NASCAR

Born on May 24, 1961 in Florida, USA , United States (63 years)

Family tree

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Kennedy joined ISC in 1983 and was named to the board of directors one year later. She served as ISC's secretary from 1987–96 and as its treasurer from 1989-96. From that point until April 2003, Kennedy was the company's executive vice president. She was then appointed president of ISC after her father, Bill France, Jr. stepped down. Most recently, Kennedy was named chief executive officer in April 2009. ...   Kennedy joined ISC in 1983 and was named to the board of directors one year later. She served as ISC's secretary from 1987–96 and as its treasurer from 1989-96. From that point until April 2003, Kennedy was the company's executive vice president. She was then appointed president of ISC after her father, Bill France, Jr. stepped down. Most recently, Kennedy was named chief executive officer in April 2009.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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