Photo of François-Emmanuel FODÉRÉ

Family tree of François-Emmanuel FODÉRÉ


FrenchBorn Joseph-Benoît FODÉRÉ

French forensic physician

Born on February 15, 1764 in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne , France

Died on February 4, 1835 in Strasbourg , France

Family tree

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In 1787 he received his medical doctorate at the University of Turin, then by way of a scholarship from Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia, he furthered his education in Paris and London. Afterwards, he enlisted in the Army of the Alps, and took part in the sieges of Marseille and Mantua. ...   In 1787 he received his medical doctorate at the University of Turin, then by way of a scholarship from Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia, he furthered his education in Paris and London. Afterwards, he enlisted in the Army of the Alps, and took part in the sieges of Marseille and Mantua.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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