Photo of Robert FAURISSON

Family tree of Robert FAURISSON


FrenchBorn Robert-Faurisson AITKEN

British-born French academic and Holocaust denier

Born on January 25, 1929 in Shepperton, Surrey, England , United Kingdom

Died on October 21, 2018 in Vichy, Allier , France

Family tree

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Faurisson is believed to be one of seven children born in Shepperton, Middlesex, England to a French father and a Scottish mother.

He studied French, Latin and Greek literature (Lettres classiques), and passed the agrégation (the highest competitive examination to qualify to be a secondary school teacher) in 1956. He became a high school teacher at Vichy, while working on a PhD thesis about the poet Lautréamont. He obtained his doctorate in 1972. He then became a lecturer, and then professor of French literature at the University of Lyon between 1973 and 1990.

...   Faurisson is believed to be one of seven children born in Shepperton, Middlesex, England to a French father and a Scottish mother.

He studied French, Latin and Greek literature (Lettres classiques), and passed the agrégation (the highest competitive examination to qualify to be a secondary school teacher) in 1956. He became a high school teacher at Vichy, while working on a PhD thesis about the poet Lautréamont. He obtained his doctorate in 1972. He then became a lecturer, and then professor of French literature at the University of Lyon between 1973 and 1990.

In Vichy, as a young teacher, he gained attention when he published an interpretation of Rimbaud's Sonnet des voyelles (fr) as an erotic text. Around 1960, he developed political sympathies for the colonialist cause in Algeria (the Algérie française movement), and was arrested in the belief he was a member of the "OAS", a terrorist organisation.

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Geographical origins

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