Family tree of Jacques-Joseph EBELMEN
Born Jacques-Joseph EBELMEN
French chemist
Born on July 10, 1814 in Baume-les-Dames , France
Died on March 31, 1852 in Paris , France
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Ébelmen was the son of Claude Louis Ébelmen, a forest surveyor, and Jeanne Claude Grenier. He attended classes in grammar and literature at the Language School at Baume. Thereafter he grew interested in the Sciences and attended the elementary mathematics classes in Paris at Collège Royal Henry-Le-Grand, and applied mathematics at the Lycée de Besançon.
Ébelmen was the son of Claude Louis Ébelmen, a forest surveyor, and Jeanne Claude Grenier. He attended classes in grammar and literature at the Language School at Baume. Thereafter he grew interested in the Sciences and attended the elementary mathematics classes in Paris at Collège Royal Henry-Le-Grand, and applied mathematics at the Lycée de Besançon.
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Geographical origins
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