Photo of Charles DUPIN

Family tree of Charles DUPIN

Mathématician, Economist, French Deputy, Senator, Constitutional Council member, Royal and noble family

FrenchBorn Charles DUPIN

French Catholic mathematician, engineer, economist and politician

Born on October 6, 1794 in Varzy , France

Died on January 18, 1873 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

He was born in Varzy in France, the son of Charles Andre Dupin, a lawyer, and Catherine Agnes Dupin.

He studied geometry with Monge at the École Polytechnique and then became a naval engineer (ENSTA). From 1807 he was responsible for the restoration of the damaged port and arsenal at Corfu. In 1813 he founded the Toulon Maritime Museum.

...   He was born in Varzy in France, the son of Charles Andre Dupin, a lawyer, and Catherine Agnes Dupin.

He studied geometry with Monge at the École Polytechnique and then became a naval engineer (ENSTA). From 1807 he was responsible for the restoration of the damaged port and arsenal at Corfu. In 1813 he founded the Toulon Maritime Museum.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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